L.A. Noir

Gaijin Games (Bit.Trip series)

Gaijin co-founder Alex Neuse was so eager to spill his guts that he got his entire company to confess as well.

Alex Neuse, cofounder

Escape Vektor. It was made by our dear friends over at Nnooo, but since it’s only on WiiWare, and I basically never turn on my Wii these days, I just haven’t gotten around to it. I did buy it, though!

LA Noir. It seems like it’d be right up my alley, but it feels too daunting to even start playing. So instead, it just sits on my shelf.

Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen. It’s a legendary game on a legendary system that a friend of mine gave to me because he knows how much I wanted it. But I have yet to play it.

Mike Roush, cofounder

I have one game that I have not played, and it’s sooooo embarrassing: Braid. I should say I have actually “played” it, and I have purchased it quite a few times. But I have never sat down and done a focused playthrough the way I need to. My reasons are;

1. I work a lot!

2. iOS/tablet gaming makes me play less console/PC games.

3. I’m saving Braid for that special moment.

4. That special moment keeps getting pushed back.

There, I said it!

Danny Johnson: designer

Skyrim. This game is right in my wheelhouse, but I do not want 100-plus hours of my life to disappear. I feel like I need to be in the right mood to appreciate Alan Wake, but often I just want mindless fun. Also, tons of game for the SNES … a system that I have never owned.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Jason Cirillo: artist

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I am afraid of getting lost, suddenly having no time, and then forgetting where I was when I finally pick the game up again later.

Street Fighter X Tekken. The Tekken characters all have such awful hair and clothes. When I remember that they’re in the game, I lose interest in playing it.

Game & Watch Ball. Got it as a Club Nintendo prize, and my supernerdiness won’t allow me to open it.

Andrew Hynek: programmer

Spec Ops: The Line. This game came recommended, but I have to work up the motivation to play a shooter even if there’s a good story in there.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent. A game that requires a certain mood. Also, I only have it on Steam, and I don’t have a good setup for PC games at home, so I almost never play them.

Portal 2

Mike Gonzales: programmer

Portal 2. A few of my friends were lucky enough to be on the Portal team, and I really want to support them and see what they’ve done, because they rock. And it’s Portal 2! Once [Bit.Trip] Runner 2 ships, I should have the time for it at last. …

Tomb Raider: Legend. It’s the first game I ever worked on, but I was holed away in a support-tech role, so I never saw the larger picture. I worked on that project for a year and a half, I know the level names by heart, but I have no idea why Lara Croft goes there or what she’s up to. I tried playing it once, but I got stuck and never came back to it.

Chris Meyer: artist

Mass Effect 3 and Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. I only recently beat Mass Effect 2 and Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, so I dread the feeling of playing such a long game with hundreds of side-quests that I must complete.

Erin Pearce-Zuazua: animator

Portal 2, because everyone else loved it, and I miss out on all the inside jokes.