mad max 2

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LOS ANGELES — Warner Bros. and Avalanche Software are creating a new game based on the Mad Max film franchise. The new game will debut on the PlayStation 4, according to Sony’s Jack Tretton this evening at Sony’s pre-Electronic Entertainment Expo press briefing. But the exact nature of the exclusive isn’t quite clear.

The character looks more like a young Mad Max and not particularly like the star whose career it made: Mel Gibson. Warner Bros. is likely to take the game to other platforms, but on Sony’s big stage at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the studio didn’t say what those other platforms would be.

In the scene showed, Mad Max comes across a man dying in the desert. The man begs to be killed. Max points a shotgun at him, but then he opens his barrels. But he has only one shell left in the double-barreled shotgun. So Max goes back to his car and drives off, leaving the dying man to beg for death. Then, at the end of the trailer, Max comes driving back and runs over the dying man with his car.

Now that’s economical thinking.