If you have a Nintendo 3DS, you’re probably playing Pokémon X and Y, the newest installments in the ridiculously popular monster-collecting series. But why not take a break from making all those adorable critters knock each other out and do a little writing instead?

Specifically, how about you write some Pokémon-themed stories for GamesBeat Unfiltered? Maybe you want to do a traditional review for X and Y. Maybe you want to rank your favorite pocket monsters. Hey, how about a collection of Pokémon-inspired cupcake recipes? It’s all game. And after a couple of weeks, we’ll collect your best Pokémon stories into a community spotlight.

And if you don’t know how to post your own stories to GamesBeat Unfiltered, then head over to our “about“ page. It’ll tell you how to make an account and submit your articles to us. Our editors will select your best stories, professionally edit them, and promote them to GamesBeat’s front page.

Thanks, everyone! We look forward to reading your Pokémon stories!