We love reading what you guys write for us in GamesBeat Unfiltered, and we especially enjoy the recent surge of reviews you all crafted. To encourage more critiques of titles old and new, we’re putting out this community prompt. We want more reviews!

And we’re willing to bribe you for it.

Specifically, we’ll give a free game to a random reviews writer. To qualify, just write a review any time between now and Friday, Nov. 22. We’ll talk to you and figure out which prize from our massive closet of goodies will suit you best. And, yes, writing multiple reviews will give you multiple entries in the contest. Just make sure your story is more substantial than a paragraph or two.

And if you haven’t written for GamesBeat Unfiltered yet, we’ll help get you started. Just head over to our “about” page to make an account and learn how to submit your articles to us. Our editors will select your best stories, professionally edit them, and promote them to GamesBeat’s front page. We also collect articles in spotlights and other community collections.

Happy reviewing, everyone!