Facebook timeline covers

Facebook’s Timeline lets you place an image at the top of your profile. Sure, you could add a crummy, awkwardly cropped family photo — or you can use a kick-ass cover from your favorite video game.

We’re releasing seven days’ worth of artwork, each with a different theme, that you can use to decorate your Facebook profile:

Today’s batch of covers features 10 titles from the current generation of games. Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the pictures, then right-click (or ctrl-click for Macs) them and hit “save image as” to save to your computer.

Check out our gaming-themed Twitter headers here.

Timeline cover thumb Asura's Wrath
Asura’s Wrath

Timeline cover thumb Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3

Timeline cover thumb Rayman Origins
Rayman Origins

Timeline cover thumb Killzone 3
Killzone 3

Timeline cover thumb Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2

Timeline cover thumb Halo Reach
Halo: Reach

Timeline cover thumb Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption

Timeline cover thumb Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII

Timeline cover thumb Mirror's Edge
Mirror’s Edge

Timeline cover thumb inFAMOUS