Editor's note: Like his former Crispy Gamer cohort John Keefer, Kyle Orland has stuff to write for Bitmob because "it doesn't fit anywhere else." Glad to be home to to your "alternative" content, guys! -Shoe

A recent MTV Multiplayer report says that Project Natal demos include a tenth-of-a-second delay between real-world and on-screen movement. How bad is that delay in terms we can really understand? We need some context….

  • Average delay between real-world movement and on-screen movement for Project Natal demos: 100 milliseconds (ms) (source)
  • Average time for a college-aged individual to react to a visual stimulus: 190ms (source)
  • Duration of a human blink: 267 – 400ms (source)
  • Approximate time for a 100 mph fastball to reach home plate: 412ms (source)
  • Average delay between fret press and on-screen display in the PS3 version of Guitar Hero 3: 50ms (source)
  • Average delay between button press and on-screen gunshot in PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 4: 167ms (source)
  • Average lag introduced when an SD signal is upscaled to HD resolution: 0 – 68ms (source)
  • Time it takes a hummingbird to flap its wings once: 5 – 55ms (source)
  • Timing window available to score a "Perfect" rating on a note in the arcade version of Dance Dance Revolution 8th Mix: 30ms (source)
  • Reported average time between button presses for famous button-masher Takahashi-meijin, in his prime: 62.5 ms (source)

Also see: Gaming by the Numbers: Hours and Hours