The Social Gaming Summit 2009 is a one-day event focused on the intersection of games and the social web. It takes place June 23 in San Francisco. The sequel to last year’s successful Social Gaming Summit will focus on helping social games developers build, monetize, and grow their social games. The event brings together both established leaders in the space and new entrants for a full day of panels, talks, and networking. This year’s Social Gaming Summit will cover many important topics for the industry, including:

  • How can social games developers best monetize their audiences?
  • What are the best practices for acquiring and retaining users?
  • How do leading social networking platforms view the social games opportunity?
  • What does it take to succeed in social games that don’t live on social networks?

With participation from leading social games companies such as Zynga, Playdom, Playfish, Facebook, MySpace, hi5, Zong, PayPal, Super Rewards, Offerpal, WonderHill, Serious Business, Kongregate, and many others, this event is a must-attend for those with an interest in the future of social gaming.

VentureBeat readers can get a 15% discount by following this link or registering with the code "VENTUREBEAT."  But you better move fast. Tickets are almost sold out.