Cho is considered to be a melee warrior, and Gall a ranged assassin, who work best when their massive health pool and damage combos are used in concert.

“The best way to think about Cho’gall is to think of him like a game of chicken in the pool,” Hagman said. “I wanted a game of Chicken, where one person is positioning the other guy, who’s doing all the grappling. Think about it like a driver/gunner relationship in shooters. One guy is driving the jeep, the Warthog, what have you, and the other guy’s got the giant Gatling gun. He’s doing all the damages.”

Cho is all about the movement.

“As Cho, you’re the driver,” he said. “You do have a really hefty autoattack; your right-click does a lot of damage. Your Q doesn’t do too much damage, your W doesn’t do too much damage. Your job is to get Gall, who’s your artillery piece, in place. As Cho, you should be so focused on your positioning. And as Gall, you get to be that guy that’s like [He makes a maniac shriek] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.”

So Gall gets to spend almost all his time blowing things up. He doesn’t have a right-click attack at all.

“We put almost all the damage into Gall,” Hagman said. “And so Gall’s job is just to focus on murdering everything that comes into his crosshairs. He’s got a very short cooldown on his Q, 3 seconds, his W has a 6 second cooldown, and neither of them have any mana cost.

“As Gall, your job is to get your damage in whenever Cho presents you with opportunities. You need to capitalize on them.”

In a way, it’s like being a caster with a tank-like health pool. Because Cho’Gall represents two players, he’s intended to be twice as formidable as a single-player hero. That’s a plus for percent-of-health heals over time, for example — and a drawback for percent-of-health attacks.

“Cho has the most health of any hero in the game, and his right-click is one of the meatiest, because we put a lot of what would be Gall’s basic attack power into Cho,” Hagman said. “We had to scale him down a little bit — he was one-shotting heroes too easily. But it’s 2v1.”

Still, he expects that players will have a ton of fun playing the beefy two-player hero.

“You are the raid boss as Cho’gall.”

Here’s rundown of Cho’gall’s specific abilities: