Heroes of the Storm at BlizzCon.

Above: Heroes of the Storm at BlizzCon.

Image Credit: Giancarlo Valdes/GamesBeat

GamesBeat: What kind of fans are you trying to draw to competitive Heroes? Are you aiming more at Blizzard fans or MOBA fans?

Braithwaite: First and foremost, when we’re creating esports content, we’re creating it for our current active players. Esports isn’t exactly a service to them, but it’s auxiliary content for our users to digest. When they’re not playing the game, we want them to be watching the game, to be thinking about the game, to be taking it to the next level. That’s what HGC is for, as a companion to our current active players. Obviously, when it comes to big moments, high highs, offline events, we’ll be targeting other MOBA players, as well as the entire Blizzard community. But overall, HGC is targeted for current Heroes of the Storm players.

GamesBeat: The MOBA field was already competitive when you entered with Heroes. Do you think you’ve been able to carve out a place for yourselves in that market?

Braithwaite: Absolutely. We’re continuing to find our place in the market as well. We’re starting to hit our stride with Heroes as a game to where we can all sit back and say that the game people see today is something we’re proud of, that we think has a spot in the MOBA marketplace. Heroes has several things that really define what it is and make it unique. Having multiple battlegrounds, having talents, everybody leveling up simultaneously — without that burden of having to last-hit and argue over that with your teammates. It really does propel Heroes to different heights.

GamesBeat: What are your goals with esports here? Is it focused on building a stable league, on just drawing a lot of viewers?

Braithwaite: It’s a little bit of both. HGC is built as a foundation to provide stability for the Heroes esports community. Not only do we want to provide stability with our favorite rosters, but we also want to give viewers the experience — three days a week, 16 hours a day, I can tune in to this specific channel and watch the best of the best when it comes to Heroes of the Storm. Not only that, but they’ll be able to choose their favorite teams and players. Today, just about an hour and a half ago, our new HGC website went live, and with that, the entire schedule from now until June was released. If you follow a favorite team or player, you know every single match they’re playing in. You’ll be able to set your calendar right now for matches in May.

That’s also something that’s unheard of in the esports world, something we wanted to work hard toward: giving every person all the information that they want. And not only that — another goal of the HGC is to bring a global program to life. If you go to our website, it’s not just an NA/EU, Western-focused website. Everything is broken down for North America, Europe, China, and Korea. You can get all the VODs, all the schedules, all the standings, anything and everything you could want about all the regions. That’s all in one central location.

Stability and consistency is our main goal for the program, but also, we’re going to be trying to dive in this year into creating and building superstars and personalities within the Heroes scene. I’ll admit that with Heroes, it’s more difficult compared to other MOBAs to really have those standout performances. It’s going to be up to us as Blizzard and the HGC and our players to bring these superstars in front of the fans.

GamesBeat: How do you plan to do that, build the players into stars?

Braithwaite: We’ll be doing more interviews and providing more background info, but we’ll be driving it through stats. While watching the game, there are those immediate carry performances in Heroes, which is what we want, but there are also statistics that can help build superstars and figure out who’s the best at a certain character in the league. Who’s the best in NA at this role? Who’s the best in EU at this role? Who’s the best with this character? What are teams’ and players’ battleground win percentages? If we dive into the statistics and show why these guys are great, the rest can follow.

Heroes of the Storm

Above: The benefits of a two-player health pool: Cho’gall shrugs off attacks that annihilate other heroes.

Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

GamesBeat: What kind of prize pool are players competing for?

Braithwaite: That’s one thing that we wanted to not focus on this year, the prize pool. A lot of the money for HGC, which is over $4 million on the year, is straight into that guaranteed compensation. Our offline events are meant to be looked at as a bonus for being the top performer in a region. But we’re hoping that the guaranteed compensation is what will ultimately bring stability to the scene. We still haven’t announced our BlizzCon prize pool yet. That will come at a later date. But overall, our tier three online events will be a $100,000 prize pool. Tier two will be $250,000. The remaining is to be announced.

GamesBeat: Is there any worry that, since players have so much guaranteed money, that might stifle competition a bit?

Braithwaite: No, I think it’ll be the opposite. I think it’s going to breed competition. Teams will want to stay in that position. Up until now, it’s only been really important for the top two to three teams in the region. Those two to three teams make a decent amount of money. But teams four through eight don’t really see a piece of it at all. What I think is going to happen is that those spots will be so coveted because of the guaranteed compensation that people are going to want to fight for them. The bottom two do get relegated twice a year.

GamesBeat: I imagine that along with the guaranteed money, there might be more restrictions on these players. Do you limit other games they can play competitively or other leagues they can appear in?

Braithwaite: We do expect another level of professionalism from our players. It doesn’t necessarily come with restricting from doing other things. We’re not going to stop them from streaming whatever game they want to play or do what they want to do. But we do have heavier restrictions on roster locks and how they treat referees and sportsmanship. We have a lot more rules on tardiness, showing up on time. We’re investing a lot of money into HGC and into these players. With that, there’s an added level of responsibility. There’s no more delaying matches because players don’t show up on time. That’s something that can’t exist in the HGC.

GamesBeat: Has that been a difficult transition? Esports started out as a kind of Wild West. Is part of your job teaching players how to be more professional?

Braithwaite: It’s actually not that difficult. We just recently had our players summit, where we flew out all the teams and players from North America and Europe to Blizzard HQ and [spent] three days with them, doing all the things that you’re talking about. We gave them media and interview training. We had them sit down with our balance team. We talked about rules and payments and everything that they would need to know about the HGC. We also gave them a lot of swag, of course.

One thing we realized is that these guys are ready for the game to level up. They want it to level up. They don’t mind any of the added professionalism because they ultimately know that the more people treat HGC professionally, the more money will ultimately end up in their pockets. The bigger HGC gets, the bigger they’ll be. That’s one thing that I wanted to echo in that players summit. This is their league, the players’ league. They voted for the map pool. They voted on official rules and some of the other behind-the-scenes things we’re going to be doing. We want the players to feel like this is their league. We’ll be empowering them to do that.

GamesBeat: Is it possible for any player to aspire to the HGC?

Braithwaite: With the HGC we also launched something called the Open Division. That’s meant to bridge the gap between Hero League and competitive play. We want people who enjoy the game, who are really good at the game, to think, “Hey, I want to be in the HGC. How do I get there?” That path is easy. You go to the Open Division. We recently partnered up with GosuGamers, which will be hosting weekly cups in their Heroes of the Storm section where there’s cash and points up for grabs. At the end of a 14-week period, we’ll take the top 16 teams. Those teams compete in a playoff, and the top two teams from the Open Division fight against the bottom two teams in the pro league to find out who’ll be the next two teams in the HGC for the end of the year. We really do believe that HGC is the full experience.

Whether it’s the Open Division, whether it’s the pro league, whether it’s our website, we really are trying to create this one-stop shop where it’s a complete ecosystem, and we support every aspect of it. That’s the closing thing. HGC is bringing a lot of attention to the game and to esports generally. There are still opportunities to compete and opportunities to be in the HGC. The path is clear, and it’s easier than ever. Grab your friends, sign up, and play.