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How to find Far Cry: Primal’s secret homage to Blood Dragon

Far Cry Primal's coolest secret.

Image Credit: GamesBeat

Far Cry: Primal‘s open world has a lot of nook and crannies, but one of them hides a fun Easter egg for fans of the series.

Specifically, a certain cave has a Blood Dragon skeleton, the namesake beast from Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, a standalone expansion to the third game in the series that won players’ hearts thanks to its ’80s action movie aesthetic. Discovering this secret even earns you an Achievement/Trophy, Mark 4 Wenja.

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If you want to see the skeleton for yourself, just go to this location on the map, indicated by the player icon (that yellow arrow thingy).

Above: A zoomed out look of where you want to be on the map.

Image Credit: GamesBeat

Above: A closer look.

Image Credit: GamesBeat

At the end of the river indicated in the picture above, you’ll find an icy waterfall. When you see it, go left, then turn right and take a path up and behind the waterfall. That’s where you’ll find the cave.

Above: You need to go up there.

Image Credit: GamesBeat

And then, behold! You’ll find the skeleton from the picture at the top of this story.