Technology company Kamcord is looking to share its in-app video-recording solution with more developers.

Thirty games on the iOS App Store already use Kamcord’s software to allow players to record in-app gameplay videos and then share them over social networks. Another 1,000 developers have signed up to potentially use the tech in their games.

Now, Kamcord is specifically inviting studios using the Cocos2D or the Unity3D development kits to get their access keys.

GamesBeat previously covered Applifier’s Everyplay, which will reportedly work in a similar fashion, but that product is still in early beta. Users are already uploading their gameplay videos to their own YouTube channel.

Those videos also appear on Kamcord’s site where they link back to the featured game’s page on iTunes.

“You can’t market a video game without video,” Kamcord co-founder Aditya Rathnam told GamesBeat. “The prevalent solution to app discovery is to pay outrageous amounts of money to get bursts of low-quality installs to eventually rise up in the charts [to get users who’re] actually engaged. This seems fundamentally broken and is not going to be how we discover games in two years. Kamcord is making organic discovery possible.”

Rathnam explained that six out of every hundred people to watch a gameplay video on Kamcord’s site clicks through to the game’s page on the AppStore. So while the benefits to users is easy-to-share and great-looking gameplay videos, developers are likely to enjoy a bump in visibility among socially connected gamers.

Kamcord works by offering a specialized software-development kit to developers who can then implement the recording functionality directly into their games. This allows the coders to optimize for simultaneous gameplay and recording so that, even when the hardware is simultaneously drawing a scene and taking a video, everything should run smoothly.

Game videos on sites like YouTube are extremely popular., a gaming-focused offshoot of, streams live gameplay 24/7. People want to share gameplay. It seems inevitable that we’ll be clicking a button to share funny replays in the ninth Angry Birds on iPhone 7. Kamcord is getting into that market early, and we’ll see if developers rush to adopt it.