Superstar rapper Kanye West — winner of 21 Grammy awards — is getting into the video game industry.

West revealed that he’s creating a game in tribute to his mother, Donda West, who died of heart disease and multiple post-operative factors in 2007 following a plastic surgery procedure. West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, is already involved in the gaming scene. Her mobile game Kim Kardashian: Hollywood hit the number one download spot within days of its release last summer, and analysts expect it to earn over $200 million within its first 12 months.

West’s game is based on his hit song, Only One, which features an imagined conversation between West’s daughter, North, and his mother. The game sounded more like a passion project than a strictly commercial venture when he described it to New York radio station WWPR-FM’s The Breakfast Club. He gave no idea of the platforms it’s coming to or any timescale for launch.

“Right now I’m working on a video game for Only One,” said West. “The idea is it’s my mother going through the gates of heaven. And you’ve got to bring her to the highest gates of heaven by holding her to the light.

“We’ve been working on it for, like, six months.”

The full interview with Kanye West is embedded in the link above. The video game talk starts at 55:56.