Magic Leap’s relationship with Disney extends to a “secret” lab in San Francisco, where developers will be invited to work on projects prior to the launch of the company’s highly touted augmented reality technology, according to Magic Leap CEO Rony Abovitz.

The lab isn’t actually secret. Abovitz revealed the location of the lab — it’s near the Yoda fountain on Lucasfilm’s Presidio campus in San Francisco. In a talk during which Abovitz revealed the augmented reality company’s plan for a computer you can use as frequently as a pair of glasses, Abovitz said that thousands of people have already seen Magic Leap’s technology. Unfortunately for us, those people signed non-disclosure agreements. That means figuring out just how well the technology actually delivers on its promises is a task for the imagination, though Abovitz said that could change “hopefully soonish.”

As for the San Francisco location, Abovitz said “we’ll have a part that cannot be accessed by regular people, it’ll just be for Magic Leap/Lucasfilm development. And then there’s a … developer lab that we’re building out that all kinds of devs from the Bay Area can come in, and hopefully hang out and build stuff before launch.”

Magic Leap received nearly $800 million in funding in February and seems to be on a fast track to commercializing its next generation light field tech.

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This post first appeared on UploadVR.

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