From Sega’s Shadow Dancer to Call of Duty: Ghosts, gaming has had its share of trusty canine companions. After having completed Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain, I can confidently say that Big Boss’ wolf dog companion, DD, is the most adorable, deadly, and useful “man’s best friend” ever conceived for a video game.

When compared to Big Boss’ other available Buddies, DD’s knife kills are more efficient than Quiet’s long-distance kills, he’s more endearing than D-Horse, and D-Walker is falls way behind in the personality contest. Metal Gear Solid V director Hideo Kojima knows the value of a lifelong bond with a pet, which is why adopting DD as a pup is the effective first step in a 100-hour long bond with one of the best gaming companions in recent years.

This gallery serves as a photo album of my many cherished moments with DD.