After weeks of talking about the Xbox One console, Microsoft is starting to point the spotlight on the games for the next-gen device.

The company released a trailer earlier this morning that shows off some of Xbox One’s biggest titles, and now it just released an infogrpahic that illustrates the Xbox One’s exclusives, its new franchises, and games with Xbox One-exclusive content.

That includes games like Titanfall, which is the new futuristic shooter from Respawn Entertainment that is a new property and is exclusive to Xbox systems and PC. Xbox One-only games include Sunset Overdrive, Ryse: Son of Rome, Halo, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Kinect Sports Rivals, Killer Instinct, and Quantum Break.

Games that get exclusive content (for at least a limited period of time) include titles like Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, and Call of Duty: Ghosts.

Check out the Microsoft infographic below for all of the confirmed games and additional information:

Xbox One