This is a mighty disappointment.

A forum post for Kickstarter backers of 2D sidescroller Mighty No. 9 announced a delay for the spiritual successor to Mega Man, via NeoGaf. It was supposed to come out on September 15, but it’s now delayed to the first quarter of 2016. The post states that we’ll get an official announcement on the delay at the ongoing Gamescom conference in Cologne, Germany.

So, why is this happening?

“As we have communicated in the updates to our backers, all of the core content for the game is developed and in a complete state,” the post states. “However, there are still bugs and issues pertaining to the online features that are included in the game. These bugs and issues have a direct affect [sic] on enjoyment of the game, so a decision was made to work these issues out before release.”

Bugs are a part of any game’s development, but Mighty No. 9 must have serious problems is these issues necessitate a delay of at least a few months.