I said it looks like play.

[The user agreement comes up.]

OK, push down on the d-pad. This is the user agreement. There you go. Keep doing that until you get to the bottom.

[My mom zooms past the wall of legal text.]

Are you reading all this?

Mmmhmm. I’m a speed reader. It means I can’t sue if something happens.

OK, push X.

It’s a half hour before you start the game!

[My mom selects the option to start a new game. A screen comes up asking for some preferences.]

Do you want blood on or off?


Push right on the d-pad.

[I then spend a few minutes explaining the differences between the d-pad and the analog stick. A new page of more detailed preferences shows up.]

Uh, we’ll just push X, because that’s a lot of options right there.

[The opening cutscene starts.]

You have to read and watch?

It’s just subtitles.

I still don’t know what all these buttons do.

I don’t know what they do.

Yes you do.

I haven’t played this game yet!

Well, you know what some buttons do.

Well, that one will make you move. [I point to the analog stick.]

Alright, well, what if I have to jump?

Watch the cutscene. Did you see that person’s face melt?


[The video shows a sparkling tree.]

That tree’s pretty.

Mmmhmm. Like twinkle lights. Oh, they’re bugs.

[Ghostly figures begin to fly around the screen.]

Fantasia Skeletons

Above: The skeletons from Fantasia.

Image Credit: Disney

This is like Fantasia.


Don’t you remember? With the…

I remember, but no.

[A whirlpool appears, and the person in the video jumps.]

Why did he jump into that?

I don’t know.

What’s the object of this game? To get out of the hole?