All right, mom, why don’t you fight a computer player and see if you can beat them? Now you’re ready. Go to the main menu. Not retry. You could do it again if you want.

No, that’s all right.

Just push the white button. All right. Pick who you want to be.

Wasn’t he like the good guy?

Who, Liu Kang? How do you know that?

Because I just remember it. The guy with the headband.

Did you see the Mortal Kombat movie?

No, I remember on the —

On the arcade cabinet.

Yeah, on the game.


Above: Classic.

Image Credit: Mortal Kombat Wiki

Yeah, I’m impressed. Who do you want to fight against?

This guy’s alright.

Sub Zero, the first one? Right. Push X. Push X again. Go left. You can pick an easier difficulty. There you go. Pick easy. Now you just pick a level. There you go. You’re winning. There you go. Punch him. There you go. Uh, oh, he threw you. Ooh, whoa! You got a four-hit combo somehow!

I don’t know how I did it.

It’s OK. You’re winning. There you go. Yeah! You got the first round. Here you go. Just gotta get him this time and you win. Do your X-ray. Push those bottom right buttons again. Bottom right, bottom right! You got him! You can stop pushing buttons while this happens. Ooohhh, right in the neck. And there goes the chest.

I thought I was done.

No, you still have to beat him up. You see the health up there on the top.

I can’t watch both things.

Oh, nice. You’re pushing the wrong buttons. Don’t push those two anymore.

I can’t push those two anymore?

No, those don’t do anything anymore. You haven’t hit him in a while. Oh, you almost got him. He broke the throw.


Nice. Stop, stop, stop. Oh, never mind. I was going to try to do the Fatality.

Ooooh, a dragon.

Nice. All right mom. You done with Mortal Kombat? What did you think of Mortal Kombat X?

It’s good, but it’s still gory. I wouldn’t recommend it for younger kids.

How old do you think kids should be before they play Mortal Kombat X?

Uh, 13?

OK. You’re probably a little lower than the official ESRB rating.

What is that, 18?

It has an M for Mature rating. What was your favorite part about Mortal Kombat X?

The finishes.

Raiden Electric Blast Snow Forest Mortal Kombat X

Above: Mortal Kombat X is flashy. Get it? Get it?!

Image Credit: NetherRealm Studios

You liked the Fatalities?! I’m surprised, mom.

It’s always fun when you kill the bad guys.

Well, OK. What if they’re not bad guys? I guess you picked bad guys to kill.


What was your least favorite thing about it?

Too many buttons.

OK, too many — that’s more of a criticism of the controller, the arcade stick I had you use. Did you like playing on your giant controller?

Yeah, I liked it better than the little one.

What score would you give it out of 100?

Hmmm. 78?

78. You’re always in the 70s.

The 70s were a good decade.

All right. Thank you, mom.

You’re welcome.