Keep going up.

I need some light.

Move your camera, mom. You’re walking into a corner.

I thought it was round.

It is round, but you’re stuck on something. Don’t go that way. It’s pitch black. Move your camera left and down, so you’re not staring at the floor.

I’m pushing it down.

No, move the camera up so that it goes — there you go. Now left. Left. Move the camera left. You can’t see where you’re going. There you go. See, that pipe was in your way. Go through that exit.

Why can’t I just stay right there?

They’ll find you.

How many of them are there?

I don’t know. There’s at least the one guy with the chain saw and that other guy who’s stabbing people.

Ugh. Where am I?

You’re right there. Just go left. There you go. You’re in the shadow. There, there’s the door.


It’s right there, that thing. Go in front of it and push A. Yeah. Mom, move the camera toward where you’re moving. Don’t you want to see what you’re walking into?

It’s only just going to come in and grab me.

Don’t you want to see it before it grabs you?

Not really.

Okay, turn the camera around. All the way around. All right, now go down that way.

Go toward the light…

[We hear a scary noise.]

What do you think that was?

Ugh. I’m going to have nightmares.

You’ll be fine.

I’ll be calling you at two in the morning.

It’s fine. You’ll be fine. Go — where are you?

I don’t know.

I don’t know where you are either.

Oh, gosh. Now, is that an elevator?

Is that it? Yeah. Push A.  Now go inside the elevator. [It’s actually a door to another hallway,] That’s a funny-looking elevator. Well, keep going. That’s a lot of hallways, huh?

Well, yeah, because it’s a psych ward.

The Evil Within

Above: Hallways everywhere.

Image Credit: Microsoft

OK, push A.

It doesn’t tell me to.

Try it anyway. There you go. You used to be a nurse, right?

Yes. Still am. That never leaves.

There you go. There’s a door. You got through that whole part without dying. Nothing’s tried to kill you in a while.

Don’t speak too soon.

There’s a door. Push forward. [The chain saw guy appears in the room we were just in. We can see him through a window.] He’s looking for you. Get out of there, because he’s probably coming your way. Mom, you’re just running into a wall.

I know! Ah, it’s dripping blood. There’s the chain saw guy.

[Said chain saw guy kills my mom.]

Well, have you had enough?

Yeah, I’ve had enough.

Right. How did you die just now?

I’m a bloody mess. It’s a chain saw through the middle of my body. I think I’m dead.

The Evil Within

Above: “A bloody mess.” — Mike’s Mom

Image Credit: Microsoft

All right, Mom, so what do you think about The Evil Within?

It’s gross. I think I did pretty good.

Yeah, you didn’t do too bad. You escaped for a bit. Look, that’s the guy that’s in the picture. He wasn’t a girl.

He wasn’t?

The person in the barbed wire is the guy you were. It wasn’t a girl.

Oh, I see, it’s the detective.

What did you like about it?

The buttons are easy to use.

Yeah, it told you when you had to push A, right?

It was — [Laughs] The controls are easier to maneuver once I got used to them.

It was easier than Dark Souls II, moving around?

Yes. And, um — yeah, it was OK.

What did you not like about it?

The evil guy cutting up people. And the people hanging.

Yeah, all the bodies?

It looked like — what was that one movie?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Saw?

No, I never saw any of those.


No, Alien. Where they’re hanging upside down. But they weren’t bleeding.

Yeah, OK. So what would you give the game out of 100?


That’s good. It’s a good game for Halloween, right?
