Microsoft's project name for its next Xbox console should be "Ice Cream Sandwich with Cherries." Google's reign as the preeminent user of frozen confectionary titles won't last long!

News Blips:

Xbox 360Develop's little birds whisper a potential 2013 release window for the next Xbox console. Industry firms — including chip manufacturers and middleware developers — anticipate Microsoft's announcement of the Xbox 360's successor during E3 2013, followed by a holiday launch. Let's hope for something a little more visually appealing beyond the "squashed textbook" look.

Sony's various internal studios have apparently started working on PlayStation 4 games. No further details on how many of Sony's 16 studios are involved, but Develop's report says industry members aren't expecting a new console from Sony until 2014 — any earlier, and Bad Things might happen.

Mark Hamill hangs up his acid-green bowtie and ends his role as the voice of the Joker. "Hello/Goodbye Joker!" Hamill wrote in a tweet. "I've enjoyed every minute behind the wheel of the Crown Prince's crazy car — I'm going to miss him more than I can say!" For all his aptitude with technological forensics, Batman remains oblivious. Just as planned.

Gears of War 3's "RAAM's Shadow" downloadable content throws a bunch of bug-worm creatures at players in new campaign levels for $15 on December 13. Set before the events of the first game, your mission (as a member of Zeta Squad) involves yanking civilians out of Ilima City before a Locust Kryll storm swarms everyone's heads off. General RAAM — you know, that giant walking wart from the original Gears of War — returns as both a villain and a playable character. Other goodies include a brown weapon skin pack and six new multiplayer characters.

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