I'm not sure of a better way to kick off the weekend than overhearing "next stop, sexville" while waiting for the bus.

News Blips:

Ratchet & ClankAn now-removed Amazon France listing hints of a possible high-definition Ratchet & Clank collection. Although publisher Sony sent a "no comment" response to Game Informer, the likelihood of a polished collection of the celebrated platfzormer franchise falls in line with the God of War, Sly Cooper, and Jak and Daxter HD re-releases.

The sizeable batch of leaked Doom 4 screenshots apparently represent an awesomeness-in-progress. "Those images have nothing to do with what you're gonna see in Doom 4," id Creative Director Matthew Hooper tweeted Wednesday. "When we officially show things, you'll see awesome. Fans will be happy." 

The Mass Effect 3 launch trailer wraps multiple crescendos in a bundle of multiple nerdgasms. As the final installment of Commander "Razorbane" Shepard's epic struggle against the Reapers, ME3 brings the fight to Earth where things blow up, fall down, and generally fragment in one fashion or another. Mass Effect 3 releases on March 6. Check out the trailer below!