Now we understand that some games are rated Mature. So when we screwed hookers in Grand Theft Auto, we weren’t that surprised. Same for when we had a mini-game threesome in the original God of War.

OK, that was a little surprising, but by the 2nd game, we were totally over it. If God of War 3 doesn’t have a foursome, we’re totally downloading a porno.

But some games have certain scenes that are unintentionally saucy. We’ve showed you one before, but YouTuber Master0fHyrule compiled a whole slew of scenes that will make you raise an Rock-style eyebrow [via Level One Boss]:

By the way: Some of these are a little dirty! So we recommend taking a shower afterwards. Actually, take a shower regardless. Trust us — people will appreciate it.

Continue after the break for the second video that includes death via the worst way possible: gay humping.