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Overwatch raises over $12.7 million for breast cancer charity

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Blizzard Entertainment announced today that it raised over $12.7 million for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation from selling a special Pink Mercy skin for its hit online game, Overwatch.

The team-based shooter is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. According to Blizzard, this is the largest donation by a corporate sponsor in the history of the charity, which focuses on clinical and translational (turning the raw science into means to help people’s well being) research for breast cancer.

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Blizzard sold the Pink Mercy skin for $15, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to the charity. Most cosmetics in Overwatch are only available in loot crates. You buy a loot crate and then get four random items, including skins, sprays, voice lines, and more. Being able to immediately get a specific skin is an attractive rarity for Overwatch fans. Mercy, a healer in an angelic outfit, is one of the game’s more popular characters, and her theme is a good fit for the charity effort. The outfit was available from May 8 to May 21.

The charity drive also included sales of a $30 Pink Mercy shirt.

Blizzard often sells in-game items in its titles like World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm for charity, but this was the first effort to take place in Overwatch.