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Pokémon X and Y sales cross 3 million as 3DS outsells all other gaming systems in 2013

Pokémon X and Y

Xerneas and Yveltal, the new legendary Pokémon in X and Y.

Image Credit: Nintendo

You might have a whole collection of Pokémon, but that’s not as impressive as Pikachu’s bank account.

Nintendo revealed that it has sold more than 3 million copies of Pokémon X and Y. Gamers favored X, with that version selling 1.63 million versus Y’s 1.54 million. These figures are for the U.S., and they include both physical and digital sales on Nintendo’s eShop online store.

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The hardware manufacturer also confirmed that the 3DS was the best-selling system in the U.S. for all of 2013.The portable now has a base of 11.5 million in the U.S alone.

That helped Nintendo sell more software than ever for the handheld. Game sales increased 45 percent in 2013 over 2012. In addition to the two Pokémon games, both Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon and Animal Crossing: New Leaf also sold over 1 million copies.

Nintendo sold 1.21 million copies of Luigi’s Mansion, and it sold 1.1 million copies of Animal Crossing. Again, that’s both in terms of physical and digital sales.

Looking forward on the 3DS, Nintendo has Square Enix role-playing game Bravely Default coming on Feb. 7, puzzler Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy on Feb. 28, Yoshi’s New Island launching March 14, and Disney‘s Magical World debuting April 11. Additionally, Nintendo will launch Super Smash Bros. 3DS for the system at some point later this year.