Nintendo is hyping its upcoming 3DS Pokémon, which is due out Oct. 12, with a new trailer that reveals more about the game’s pocket monsters.

Pokémon X and Y starters Chespin, the grass-type, Froakie, the water-type, and Fennekin, the fire-type, debut their second forms in the video. Nintendo also uses this trailer to introduce two new creatures, a tyrannosaurus-like Tyrunt and brachiosaurus-like Amaura. Check those out and more:

As is standard for the franchise, the starter Pokémon all have stronger second forms. Chespin turns into the larger Quilladin, Froakie becomes the lengthy Frogadier, and Fennekin gets a wand when he evolves into Braixen. Likely, these starter characters will each have a third form.

Pokémon X and Y will bring many new features to the series on 3DS. It will have a full 3D world and will enable characters to customize their Pokémon and character in many ways.