Most video games have unique icons associated with them that make them instantly recognizable. It could be part of the game’s logo or a special item. For example, seeing a rep cap automatically makes you want to smash a turtle’s head.
Take a look at the icons below and guess the titles they’re from. As a bonus, try to identify the game in the top image as well. If you can’t tell what it is, I suggest you curl into a ball and roll away.
A. Rage
B. Borderlands
C. Duke Nukem
D. Bulletstorm
A. Haze
B. Hellgate: London
C. Half-Life
D. Hour of Victory
A. Metro 2033
B. The Darkness
C. Alone in the Dark
D. Dead Space
A. Kane & Lynch
B. Army of Two
C. Hitman
D. Splinter Cell
A. Doom
B. Silent Hill
C. F.E.A.R.
D. Devil May Cry
A. Medal of Honor
B. Starhawk
C. H.A.W.X.
D. Resistance
A. Dragon Age
B. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
C. Darksiders
D. Dark Souls
A. The Witcher
B. Fable
C. The Elder Scrolls
D. Lord of the Rings
A. Raving Rabbids
B. LittleBigPlanet
C. Harvest Moon
D. Viva Piñata
A. Mirror’s Edge
B. Rainbow Six
C. Brink
D. Binary Domain
Check out the answers on page two.
Puzzler: Identify the video game icons answers:
B. Borderlands
C. Half-Life
D. Dead Space
C. Hitman
A. Doom
D. Resistance
C. Darksiders
A. The Witcher
B. LittleBigPlanet
C. Brink
Bonus: Metroid