Puzzler: Icons

Most video games have unique icons associated with them that make them instantly recognizable. It could be part of the game’s logo or a special item. For example, seeing a rep cap automatically makes you want to smash a turtle’s head.

Take a look at the icons below and guess the titles they’re from. As a bonus, try to identify the game in the top image as well. If you can’t tell what it is, I suggest you curl into a ball and roll away.

Puzzler: Icons

A. Rage
B. Borderlands
C. Duke Nukem
D. Bulletstorm

Puzzler: Icons

A. Haze
B. Hellgate: London
C. Half-Life
D. Hour of Victory

Puzzler: Icons

A. Metro 2033
B. The Darkness
C. Alone in the Dark
D. Dead Space

Puzzler: Icons

A. Kane & Lynch
B. Army of Two
C. Hitman
D. Splinter Cell

Puzzler: Icons

A. Doom
B. Silent Hill
C. F.E.A.R.
D. Devil May Cry

Puzzler: Icons

A. Medal of Honor
B. Starhawk
C. H.A.W.X.
D. Resistance

Puzzler: Icons

A. Dragon Age
B. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
C. Darksiders
D. Dark Souls

Puzzler: Icons

A. The Witcher
B. Fable
C. The Elder Scrolls
D. Lord of the Rings

Puzzler: Icons

A. Raving Rabbids
B. LittleBigPlanet
C. Harvest Moon
D. Viva Piñata

Puzzler: Icons

A. Mirror’s Edge
B. Rainbow Six
C. Brink
D. Binary Domain

Check out the answers on page two.

Puzzler: Identify the video game icons answers:

Puzzler: Icons

B. Borderlands

Puzzler: Icons

C. Half-Life

Puzzler: Icons

D. Dead Space

Puzzler: Icons

C. Hitman

Puzzler: Icons

A. Doom

Puzzler: Icons

D. Resistance

Puzzler: Icons

C. Darksiders

Puzzler: Icons

A. The Witcher

Puzzler: Icons

B. LittleBigPlanet

Puzzler: Icons

C. Brink

Puzzler: Icons

Bonus: Metroid