Have you ever dispassionately made fun of someone less fortunate than you? Probably. But don't worry, I won't be giving you a heavy-handed lecture. Instead, I'll let the subjugated peoples of the world have their say. On this week's Reviews Spotlight, miners revolt, the disabled take revenge, and bobcats demand equal rights!

Dead Rising Wheelchair

Dead Rising Too: More of the Same
By Matthew Orona
I get the feeling that Matthew and I are kindred souls. I mean, the guy let his four-year-old play Grand Theft Auto! I don't have kids, but I feel like I should take a couple pages out of Matthew's book.

Having said that, I'm torn. The title and tone of this article tell me I should take caution before buying Dead Rising 2, but I'm too big of a fan to avoid the game entirely. Matt makes interesting arguments both for and against this somewhat disappointing sequel. On the upside, the wheelchair makes a triumphant return. Unfortunately, so too does the 72-hour time restriction.

If you're as divided as I am, Matthew might be able to provide some solace. Oh, and if you get the chance, ask Matt about his ties to Hugh Hefner and the playmates. In the meantime, read the review.


Review: Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
By Chris Winters
The first thing you'll notice about Chris is his impressive command of the English language. This reviewer manages to fabricate each sentence in the eerie, film noir tone of Last Window, the game in question. With both style and spirit in tow, Chris' review is an adventure of its own. Bitmobbers take note: This is how to write an article.

Last Window

If you caught the obvious reference to Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window, it should be evident that Nintendo's Last Window conserves the low-key, black-and-white elegance of its predecessor, Hotel Dusk. A femme fatale, provocative banter, and dramatically shadowed visuals… all this game's missing is Humphrey Bogart!

Whether you're looking to relive the cinematic genius of the 1940s or whether you want a neat mystery to solve, the solution should be clear: Check out Chris' article. And remember to take notes!

The Waiting Game: Dead Rising 2
By Daniel Velazquez
It seems as though Capcom is breaking a lot of hearts this week. Like Matthew before him, Daniel fell in love with the original Dead Rising. But can you blame him? The game had it all: the walking dead, customizable weapons, and an appropriately misanthropic protagonist.

But then along came a sequel, developed by a different studio no less! Fan outrage was inevitable. Before reviewing Dead Rising 2, Daniel discusses the timing of its release.

A Crack in Time
By Errol Burke-Horner
It's been a year since we last saw Ratchet and Clank, the industry's most dynamic mammal-robot duo, and Errol misses them already. The eighth title in the series, A Crack in Time boils the Jump 'n Run genre to a perfect formula. Where other franchises have failed, Ratchet and his computerized cohort excel.

I know, I know. Jak and Daxter broke our hearts, but it's time to move on. It's time we let a new twosome of anthropomorphic animals whisk us away. Errol has set up the date, so it's up to you to show up.

Minecraft: It's the Journey, Not the Destination
By Devon N. Campbell
With all five of my housemates playing Minecraft incessantly, it's becoming impossible for me to ignore this game. So, Devon, what's the deal?

Minecraft Alpha

As this Bitmobber puts it, Minecraft isn't entirely a game. Instead, it's an "impressive toolset that throws players into a world and allows them to build or destroy wonderful things." Sounds cool, but what else do I have to look forward to?

Well, the mythos of Minecraft isn't altogether clear. Players populate a mysterious planet, riddled with livestock and the undead. Equally unclear is the narrative, which ultimately leaves players to their own devices. The onus to create fun is ostensibly on you, the gamer.

If you feel like spending 10 bucks, Devon may have found a worthy cause for your cash. Check out his impressions at the link above.