
Once again, we turn to our expert group of video game characters to bring peace to the land!

Guns! Guns! Guns! If you aren’t clinging to them and your religion, you’re beating them into plowshares. But the recent spate of mass shootings has everyone looking for a simple, understandable root cause. Spoiler: It’s video games. Duh! Regardless, Vice President “Joltin'” Joe Biden told Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello that the game industry has “not been singled out” for blame … because they’re nailing everybody to the wall! Just days later, President Obama asked Congress for $10 million to fund research into the long-term effects of violent television, movies, and games on young, impressionable minds.

Well, we’re here to help. And because Mr. TV gave us short attention spans, we’re going to skip the research and go straight to the answers. What say you, panel of experts? What can we do about violence in video games?

Launch the gallery and be enlightened!