Developer Volition is working on more content for its open-world crime game, Saints Row.

The studio revealed Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell today during its panel at the annual Penny Arcade Expo event in Seattle. The demon-themed downloadable release is due out in 2015 for $20. While the developer is calling this an expansion, it won’t require Saints Row IV for anyone to play it.

The expansion is due out Jan. 27 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.

Volition confirmed that Gat Out of Hell will feature The Devil, a talking weapon, and a full-length musical sequence. It will also include weapons based on the seven deadly sins. Sloth, for example, is a mobile recliner with two chainguns attached to it.

The company previously teased the expansion game by sending out packages to press that contained witchcraft-related items and by posting an image of a Ouija board with the Saints Row’s iconic fleur-de-lis.

We think the spirits are trying to tell us yes.

Above: We think the spirits are trying to tell us yes.

Image Credit: Deep Silver

Volition most recently released Saints Row: IV for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. That action game took the traditional Grand Theft Auto car-driving formula of the previous Saints Row games and shook it up by giving the player superpowers. Now, instead of hopping in a sedan to get from point to point, players could jump over buildings and glide in mid-air.

Saints Row is one of Volition publisher Deep Silver’s biggest franchises. Volition, which was previously a subsidiary of now-defunct publisher THQ, began the series as something of a knockoff of the megapopular GTA games, but Saints Row has carved out its own identity with recent releases.

Saints Row: The Third took a turn into the absurd by focusing on humor and characters. The fourth game, which was originally intended to debut as downloadable content for The Third, amplified the absurdity.