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Shinra grows stronger.

Hardsuit Labs has joined Shinra Technologie’s Prototype Accelerator Program, which is designed to foster innovation and freedom via Shinra’s cloud-gaming inventions. Hardsuit is a new company created by developers who made the free-to-play PlayStation 4 and PC shooter Blacklight Retribution.

“We have a long history of being early tech adopters — with previous efforts focused on new engines, new consoles, and new business models — and now the opportunity to be an early adopter of cloud-gaming is extremely exciting,” says Hardsuit Labs CEO and cofounder Russell Nelson in a press release sent to GamesBeat.

The New York-based Shinra announced the Prototype Accelerator Program last month, saying that it will help companies create innovative new games with the cloud. République developer Camouflaj is already a part of the program.

Shinra is a subsidiary of publisher Square Enix. The name actually comes from an evil corporation from Final Fantasy VII, a game that Shinra is streaming as a way to test its technology.

Cloud-gaming first hit the masses via OnLive, which lets players stream games directly onto computer devices. Sony uses streaming to allow PlayStation 4 users to run PlayStation 3 games, while the Xbox One uses a cloud for extra computing power.