NSFW warning: The video below contains an untold number of 8-bit genitals — Ed.

I just showered with my digital dad.

Earlier this year, we reported on the brilliant trailer for a new game called Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015, and now it has is finally hopped onto Steam for an entire $1. As you might expect, it features copious amounts of showering dads. And you, as the son, must collect the correct dad in several different modes — no controller or pad required as everything works with mouse and keyboard. Only it seems like Shower With Your Dad Simulator goes much deeper than that. Like an amphibian, it seems like it is almost two kinds of animals at once.

We tried out the first hour or so of Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015 this morning, and we’ve already stumbled upon a handful of secrets. Yet, many more still remain. But I don’t know. Maybe you can help!

Watch the video below and let us know if you have any ideas about how to solve the riddle of dads.

And let me know what this makes you think of:
