Ganondorf is one of the meanest meanies in the history of mean. This Legend of Zelda villain delights in kidnapping princesses and enslaving entire worlds in darkness. There’s no way he could ever reform himself, right? Right?

Diablo is, by definition, the devil. Sure, we love his games because it taps into our basic need to slay hordes of demons while collecting shiny objects, but there’s certainly nothing “jolly” about the experience. So why would anyone ever want to make a Christmas song parody sung by the Lord of Terror? I have no idea, but I’m glad they did.

Oh, look! Nathan Drake isn’t the only commercial whore! Here’s Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series enjoying some sort of Japanese energy drink. Hey, if someone is going to try to sell me things, it may as well be a suicidal soldier with a bizarre aging problem.