Steampunk NES

Drool. I would give one of my toes for this steampunk Nintendo Entertainment System. Maybe not the big ones, but I’d certainly sever that little nub-let of a pinky toe for this incredible case mod.

For those who don’t know, steampunk is a distinctive style originating from a specific genre of science-fiction where most inventions run on steam. The steampunk look typically involves a lot of copper, wires, and valves. Marrying that design with the simplicity of the top-loading NES is genius.

Specifically, it’s Andrew Calder’s genius, who created this special machine for his nephew (making the modder the coolest uncle ever).

“My nephew is ten and starting to get into gaming,” Andrew told GamesBeat. “He currently is very into Minecraft and asked if he could have my old NES for his birthday. I knew he liked steampunk, so I gave it a makeover as a surprise.”

Andrew told us that he is a hard modeler (which means he works with “hard” materials like metals, as opposed to “soft” stuff like clay) for a company that produces concept cars for major manufacturers. He posted images of his creation on Reddit, where the often tough Reddit community gave the unique NES a lot of appreciation.

“I really didn’t think much of this project,” Andrew told GamesBeat. “I make stuff like this all the time. My sister turned me on to Reddit, and I thought this might do well, but nothing like the response I received.”

Andrew worked on his case mod during lunch breaks and late at night. “All in all, it probably took somewhere around 20 hours,” he told GamesBeat.

You can see the steampunk NES in various stages of development, plus a few extra angles of the final product, in the gallery below.

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