We may be getting a sequel to a genuine gaming classic.

A teaser site from developer OtherSide Entertainment indicates that the studio is working on System Shock 3, a sequel to the sci-fi survival-horror System Shock 2 released  back in 1999. A clock running on OtherSide’s teaser page has five days to run right now, and it’s not showing any more than “S  S.” But an RPG Codex forum member has dug into the page’s source code and found an image saying System Shock 3, as PC Gamer reports.

Clicking on the link at the bottom of the revealed page takes you to a mailing list sign-up also titled System Shock 3. OtherSide currently has members of the original System Shock team working on Ultima Underworld reboot Underworld Ascendant — having raised $860,000 for the role-playing game on Kickstarter — so the link to a System Shock 3 project is not too far-fetched.

The long-dead System Shock franchise — which served as inspiration for the critically acclaimed Bioshock series — is actually getting a lot of attention lately. Night Dive Studios released an enhanced edition of the series’ first installment back in September, and it’s now working on a complete reboot of that game.