Rock Band Blitz best power-ups

Hamonix is officially done with Rock Band. On April 2, the developer will release Don McLean’s “American Pie” — and that will mark the last track the company will add to its downloadable-song store.

If you’re wondering what’s next for Harmonix, we have a bit of a hint. The studio is producing three games that feature some sort of unique take on how players interact with the onscreen action, according to a blog post from new Harmonix board member Brad Feld, managing director of venture capitalist firm Foundry Group.

“Last fall, [Hamonix founders Alex Rigopulos and Eran Egozy] showed me the three new games they were working on,” Feld wrote. “Each addressed a different human-computer-interface paradigm. Each was stunningly envisioned. And each was magic, even in its rough form. Earlier this year I saw each game again, in a more advanced form. And I was completely and totally blown away – literally bouncing in my seat as I saw them demoed.”

After seeing the new prototypes in action, Feld agreed to join Rigopulos and Egozy on Harmonix’s board.

“It’s an honor to be working with two entrepreneurs who are so incredibly passionate and dedicated to their craft,” wrote Feld. “They’ve built, over a long period of time, a team that has created magical games not just once, but again and again. And they continue to push the boundaries of human-computer interaction in a way that impacts millions of people. I look forward to helping them in whatever way I can.”

The Foundry Group separately posted a blog about Feld joining the developer’s board, but the investment firm didn’t specify any financial agreement with Harmonix. The company only went so far as to say that it is “involved” with the game studio.

GamesBeat reached out to Feld and Harmonix to determine the nature of the involvement. We’ll update with any new information.

For now, Harmonix is gonna keep on making games.

I guess we won’t sing: Bye bye, miss American music-game developer!