Project Anarchy

The Project Anarchy engine.

Above: The Project Anarchy engine.

Image Credit: Project Anarchy

This powerful game engine is acclaimed by many game developers for its vivid and comprehensive documentation. But in spite of Project Anarchy‘s brilliance, we do have some cons that we will mention here.


  • It offers free game development on mobile (on major platforms including iOS, Android, and Tizen).
  • It has strong debugging tools.
  • An active developer community and forums.
  • Solid documentation and sample is accessed through the editor.
  • Fmod for great audio output.
  • A robust Havok A.I.
  • Lots of customization options for developers with vForge.


  • Absence of Mac and Linux development environment.
  • Absence of tutorials for the new developers.
  • It’s costly for a new developer and startups.


GameSalad Arcade Publishing - 1

This prolific gaming engine claims to deliver a game without needing to write a single line of code. This is not just a catch, but obviously, some of its aspects support its claim. But GameSalad has parts that go against its tall claim as well. Here below we mention the pros and cons.


  • If you want to develop an iPhone game on your own it can be the ideal engine to bank upon.
  • For quickly prototyping ideas GameSalad is a good engine.
  • Compatibility with popular mobile game development platforms like Cocona and Moai is a huge draw for game engines like GameSalad.


  • Very restrictive development tool.
  • Lack of access to a lot of iOS features.
  • Not compatible with all operating platforms.

GameMaker: Studio

GameMaker: Studio

Above: GameMaker: Studio

Image Credit: YoYo Games

As a game developer, if you are looking for a simple and straightforward gaming engine to start with, GameMaker: Studio should be the ideal one. It is said to be a little expensive but there are various positive aspects that worth the price. Here are the pros and cons of this game engine.


  • Simple and straightforward for all basic and advanced elements.
  • One programming language (GML) to involve with.
  • No need to deal with memory management or tasks like multithreading.
  • Independent of any platforms.


  • In case of memory issue debugging can be a problem.
  • A bit expensive compared to other engines of the same stature.

App Game Kit

App Game Kit.

Above: App Game Kit.

Image Credit: The Game Creators

App Game Kit is truly cross-platform development software that people appreciate for being adaptive, easy, and flexible. Here are some of the most noteworthy pros and cons.


  • It enables you to write codes for multiple platforms, including Android iOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • It comes with Integrated Design Environment to facilitate testing in any device.
  • Includes IAP, AdMob, and Push without extra setup.
  • AGK script has powerful commands for networking, 2D graphics, and physics.


  • With a few developers working with this engine, you can expect a slow response time for fixes.
  • Lots of bugs.
  • Hardly any support for sensors or GPS.



Many designers consider Cocos2D as one of the few gaming engines that not only has a lot of versatility but is also particularly optimized for new developers. While it can be complex, its features and flexibility are worth mentioning, too. Here are its pros and cons.


  • Powerful and flexible.
  • You can literally introduce any feature that iOS is capable into your game.
  • It offers a mature framework with a wide variety of tools.
  • It is open-source, free, and offers great community support.


  • More complex than similar engines.
  • Involves a much higher learning curve.
  • It is particularly suited to Mac or iOS. It’s not a cross-platform engine.

People play games everywhere — consoles, mobile devices, and even smart TVs — so it’s important for developers to find an engine that works not just for their skills but also their goals. This why finding the proper game engine is important, especially for new developers — and a good way to tap into this growing, $20 billion-a-year industry.

Tejas JasaniTejas Jasani is a founder and CEO of The App Guruz, one of the top mobile apps and games development company across the world. He likes to do research on mobile apps and to improve mobile users’ smartphone experience.