5. The Secret of Cabot house

What a pretty house.

Above: What a pretty house.

Image Credit: Bethesda

Another Fallout 4 quest, The Secret of Cabot House explores the science-fiction side of Fallout and introduces an interesting and fun concept. While the rest of the world has to contend with living in the wasteland and fighting with Deathclaws and raiders, the Cabot family is living comfortably and happily in the pristine and sizable family house. You discover exactly why the Cabots have been holed up in their home, and it definitely isn’t because of shyness or fear. Oh, and you also discover that the Cabots have been alive for hundreds of years but haven’t aged a bit. I’ll let you find out how they’ve managed to pull that off for yourself.

4. Arizona Killer

A sniper rifle is the way to do it.

Above: A sniper rifle is the way to do it.

Image Credit: Bethesda

Do you like the sound of planning a complicated assassination on the president of the New California Republic? Fallout: New Vegas’ Arizona Killer is the quest for you. You see the commander-in-chief Aaron Kimball is a real piece of work, and Caesar, the leader of a totalitarian slavery society based on the ancient Roman Empire called Caesar’s Legion (Caesar is kinda evil, too), wants Kimball to die. You wear a disguise and plan different ways to kill him while he’s out in the open in the entire area of the Dam. Do you use a sniper rifle, plant explosives, or a blast away with a giant machine gun? Choices, choices, choices. But, hey, you’ll have fun murdering Kimball no matter how you do it.

3. Beyond the Beef

Yummy, human flesh!

Above: Yummy, human flesh!

Image Credit: Bethesda

Beyond the Beef has you attempting to save a wealthy Brahim baron’s son after he gets kidnapped by the White Gloves Society, a secret society that once resorted to cannibalism. You’ve to infiltrate their ranks, James Bond-style, by asking to join them and help one of the members, Mortimer, turn the group into cannibals again. You’ve plenty of different ways to approach and complete this quest. You can go guns blazing, or you may kill one of your “friends” and replace them with the baron’s son, for example. Even after completing the quest, depending on how you pull off the rescue, you can still go from being hated to idolized by the White Gloves. Now, where’s my martini?

2. Oasis

A tortured soul.

Above: A tortured soul.

Image Credit: Bethesda

Arguably the most thoughtful and impactful quest in Fallout 3, Oasis has you decide the fate of the only settlement in the wasteland to have actual plant life growing. Once you stumble upon Oasis, you meet a man named Tree Father Birch who is part of a cult that worships Harold as their God. Harold was just some random victim of something called the Forced Evolutionary Virus, which had him growing a tree on his head. Harold eventually morphed into a talking tree and gave life to Oasis’ green foliage. The crux of the quest is the tough choice you’ve to make between killing Harold (who wants to die and stop being tortured) or helping the cult potentially expand his reach and cover the entire wasteland with plants. You won’t find a correct and easy decision here.

1. Come Fly With Me

Let us go to space!

Above: Let us go to space!

Image Credit: Bethesda

Arguably the best Fallout quest has you helping a bunch of REPCONN ghouls launch a space expedition to help them complete their “Great Journey” in Fallout: New Vegas. After receiving complaints about the increasing activity of feral ghouls in the REPCONN test site, you discover that these ghouls, led by Jason Bright, want to escape the harsh wasteland by finding a new place to live in the “far beyond.” So you help them do so by clearing out a bunch of nightkin in the facility and collecting parts to complete the ghouls’ two rockets. You even get to witness an actual rocket launch. How can you beat that? Though Come Fly With Me doesn’t contain a lot of action, it’s great because it best showcases just how weird and creative Fallout’s quests can get. Where else can you help ghouls travel to space?