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The Wolf Among Us Episode 2 finally gets release window after 3-month delay

Bigby, the titular wolf, and a winged monkey from The Wizard of Oz.

Image Credit: Telltale Games

Television shows release new episodes on a weekly schedule. Comic books often release a new issue each month. Telltale, however, is gonna take a third of a year to get the second episode of The Wolf Among Us out.

The developer finally revealed that The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 is coming in the first week of February. That is nearly four months after the adventure game’s first episode debuted on Oct. 11. This is a longer wait than usual for Telltale, which typically gets subsequent episodes of its new releases out to gamers after a one- to two-month period.

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“The episode is looking really good — as is the rest of the season,” Telltale president Kevin Bruner wrote on Reddit. “We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us … not to mention the additional delays due to the holidays.”

Bruner did not specify what went wrong in development to cause the delay. We’ve reached out to the studio to ask for details, and we’ll update this story with any new information.

The Telltale boss did say that studio doesn’t anticipate any more issues for the rest of The Wolf Among Us’s five-episode first season.

Telltale is one of the few developers successfully operating a episodic gaming model. The company broke out two years ago with The Walking Dead, which was GamesBeat’s Game of the Year in 2012. The studio enables gamers to pay for a season one episode at a time, usually for $5 each, or customers can pay for the whole season up front. The long wait between episodes 1 and 2 of The Wolf Among Us might cause some fans to lose interest or others to regret purchasing the whole season up front.

In addition to The Wolf Among Us, Telltale is also currently running the second season of The Walking Dead. The studio is also planning on releasing games based on HBO’s A Game of Thrones and Gearbox Software’s Borderlands shooter.