No one likes to lose when playing a video game, but it’s probably best to lose quietly.

A sleepy town in Iceland was recently disturbed by loud screaming that reverberated through several floors of an apartment building, reports the Reykjavik Grapevine (via West Iceland news site Skessuhorn). Fearing the worst, residents called the police. They arrived in force and failed to raise a response upon knocking, but they eventually found a raging gamer trying to calm himself down with a cold shower.

We’ve recently seen several cases of hoax calls bringing the police to gamers’ houses, but it’s not often that someone’s vocal response to playing (and losing) a game is loud enough to spark panic.

It’s unclear what game got the 30-year-old man so riled up, but most gamers have at least one title — either multiplayer or single-player — that makes their blood boil (for me, it’s Trials: Fusion). It’s just how you channel that rage that counts.