Earth is only hours away from a new Pokémon game, and Nintendo chose this moment to reveal what a live-action Pokémon world would look like.

Nintendo released a launch trailer for Pokémon X and Y that shows a teenage trainer catching, training, and befriending various pocket monsters. Check it out below:

Pokémon X and Y debut tomorrow for the Nintendo 3DS family of handheld consoles. That includes the new 2DS device, which Nintendo will also release tomorrow for $130. The game will retail for $39.99 at brick-and-mortar stores as well as through Nintendo’s eShop digital-download store.

This is the first Pokémon title designed the 3DS. It features a number of new characters and features. It also has improved visuals and battle animations that should shake things up for the long-running franchise.

Also, be sure to read our full, in-depth review of Pokémon X and Y.