We haven’t seen it in action even though its publisher intended to launch it next week. Now, the Xbox 360 version of Titanfall is gonna stay in hiding a bit longer.

Publisher Electronic Arts announced today that it now plans to release Titanfall for Xbox 360 on April 8. This is a two-week delay for the last-gen version of Respawn Entertainment’s sci-fi shooter — the company originally expected to launch it March 25. EA says that it wants to give developer Bluepoint Games, which is handling the port, more time for polish. The publisher already released Titanfall for Xbox One and PC on March 11. Respawn handled both of those versions. EA has not demonstrated Titanfall for Xbox 360 publicly yet.

“I’ve been playing the [Xbox 360 version] a lot, and it is fantastic,” EA Studios executive vice president Patrick Söderlund wrote in a blog post. “But we see a few things that can be made even better, so we’re giving Bluepoint a little more time to do just that and deliver an epic Titanfall experience for Xbox 360 players.”

EA promises that Bluepoint’s Xbox 360 version will have all of the features and modes of the Xbox One and PC release. That means 6-on-6 battles with walking tanks, 15 maps big enough to accommodate Titans, and the multiplayer story-based campaign. It will not, of course, have the same high-quality visuals.

Bluepoint has a lot of experience porting big-name titles. It handled the Vita port of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for PS3 and Xbox 360, and The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection for PS3. It is an Austin, Texas-based studio comprised of many individuals who previously worked on the Metroid Prime series at developer Retro Games.

Titanfall is important for Microsoft as well as EA. The Xbox One is selling well, but it fell behind the PlayStation 4 in terms of systems sold. In an effort to help boost sales, Microsoft is selling the Xbox One with a free copy of Titanfall included. This has helped boost sales in the U.K., and it has also increased player engagement with the console.

“Following the launch of Titanfall, the Xbox community has been out in force playing the game,” an Xbox spokesperson told GamesBeat. “During its first week on the market, we saw the highest number of hours logged on Xbox Live since the launch of Xbox One.”

Microsoft has a limited exclusivity deal with EA that will keep Titanfall off of Sony and Nintendo systems. Respawn, however, is considering a Mac version.

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