Very few games can get away with a trailer featuring the playable characters dancing around to Run DMC. Besides Dance Central and Just Dance, that is. Of course I'm talking about the new SSX, the latest in a series of games that is at its best when it goes way over the top.
Video Blips:
- SSX, where happened to you these past couple of years? SSX 3 was brilliant, and then you decide to release only average sequels in the time since then. I'm asking politely: please don't mess this one up.
Continue past the break to see the contemporary-fantasy MMO The Secret World, a gang violence-based MMO shooter called CrimeCraft, and an overview of what to expect from the upcoming Mario Kart 7 for the 3DS.
- What would improve this Templar trailer for The Secret World? Altair showing up and taking out a few of these guys. All of the characters look too generic, minus the one with the Wolverine-style claws. Those are always appreciated.
- I'm always down for an MMO shooter (the concept appeals to me, for some reason). However, I'm having a little trouble taking CrimeCraft seriously because of its name. Where does the 'craft' come in?
- I'm so excited for the new Mario Kart, I don't even mind watching the overview trailer in Japanese. I hope that I can play with the 3D turned on for reasonable amounts of time without getting a terrible headache.