The ultimate threat to Wii Fit U is … cookies. Delicious, fattening holiday cookies. I thought I’d test how well Nintendo’s latest fitness game works by playing it over the holidays, the toughest time to keep the pounds off, and, well, I saw mixed results.

No, I didn’t lose any weight. But I did feel better about eating that second chocolate snowman even if it did take me a day’s exercise session to work him off. And I just felt good getting off my butt (especially when it meant I didn’t have to go outside in the freezing Pennsylvania cold).

I’m not the only one who indulged a little too much this season. Now that Wii Fit U has hit retail (it released digitally late last year) and Wii Sports Club is available on the eShop, you have plenty of ways to burn those extra calories. Below are the best features and minigames the two have to offer.

Gym communities

If you enjoy posting on the Miiverse — arguably one of the best features of the Wii U — then you can join a virtual gym with other like-minded exercise fiends or even create one of your own. Afterward, other Miis show up on your screen, and you can tap on them on the GamePad to view their latest activities and training history.

If you’re feeling lazy, browsing other people’s posts and drawings — or sharing your personal accomplishments — on the Miiverse can provide support, motivation, and sometimes entertainment. Like when you see stick-figure drawings of a guy with bulging muscles and googly eyes accompanied by the words, “I lost 300 lbs!”


Yoga in Wii Fit U is a great way to stretch away stress while totally getting your butt kicked. The strength-training exercises serve as a great complement to these poses, too. I liked to switch between them to tone my muscles and then cool down with by stretching.

Not all yoga exercises are easy, and the Balance Board’s measure of your weight on each leg makes you painfully aware of how wobbly you are (or if you cheated and put your foot down). I’m still hesitant to try advanced moves like the Spinal Twist and Grounded V, which sounds like some sort of torture maneuver. Bring out a yoga mat if you’ve got one for extra comfort.

Wii Fit U yoga

Above: Your balance is probably worse than you think it is.

Image Credit: Nintendo

Body Test

The Body Test takes about a minute to complete and acts a helpful reminder that you’ve been slacking or, if you’re particularly awesome at staying fit, doing really well. Standing on the Wii Balance Board (required for Wii Fit U) measures your weight and any BMI changes as well as your center of balance. You also get to take a quick pic of yourself for your calendar, which tracks progress day by day.


The Hosedown is fun because you get to spray a hose of water at mud monsters. Mud monsters. Other Miis throw mud balls at you, some of them hiding in windows while others charge the field toward you.

Pressing your foot down on the Balance Board like it’s a gas pedal changes the water pressure, so you can really blast them. But that uses up your meter more quickly, which means you’ll have to wait a few seconds for it to recharge before you can soak anyone else.


In addition to the Balance Board, you’re going to need two Wii ReMote Pluses (or hook-on extensions) to do any dancing, which is a pity because I doubt most people do. But these exercises are worth it. Some styles, like Hula and Jazz, are relaxed, but once you get into Hip Hop, Locking, and Flamenco, the workout gets a lot more intense. If you’re as uncoordinated as I am, prepare to feel stupid as you mix up which of your arms and legs go where as the dance instructor lies to you that you’ve “got this down.” And the best part? You get to see your Mii dressed up in awesome outfits.

Wii Fit U Flamenco

Above: Some dances are easier to master than others, but they’re all good workouts.

Image Credit: Nintendo

Rhythm Kung Fu

Rhythm Kung Fu is probably the closest you’ll get to all the dance minigames if you don’t own two Wii Remote Pluses or accessories. It’s delightfully simple: Just memorize the other Miis’ moves — stomp, kick, punch, and so on using the Balance Board, Wiimote, and Nunchuck — and repeat them when your turn comes around. It’s kind of like if Nintendo made PaRappa the Rapper but you had to master all the moves through sheer physical power, not button presses.

Running and Island Cycling

You might sound like you’re about to stomp through the floor, but the different running (or cycling, which is highly similar) exercises are surprisingly good if you want to jog in the comfort of your living room but hate running no matter where you’re doing it (outside in the park, on a treadmill) or what music you’re listening to.

I’ve never been a runner, but there’s something soothing and peaceful about watching your Mii run through a sunny virtual world as she passes other smiling characters and pets, which keep pace beside you. My cat — yes, you can make a profile for your dog or cat on Wii Fit U — even showed up, which officially makes him a better version of my actual cat, which is surly and annoying.

Dessert Course

The Dessert Course makes the least sense out of all Wii Fit U’s exercises. Why Nintendo would make a minigame where you balance delicious-looking pastries and other sweets on a tray is beyond me (if anything, it makes me want to bake brownies), but it’s fun anyway.

The shape of the dessert (or multiple treats) you’re carrying affects how you have to tilt your tray with the GamePad, but moving around with it as you try to reach the guests you’re serving is what makes it tricky. Bump into the other Miis, and they’ll shoot you a hilariously dirty look.

Wii Fit U Dessert Course

Above: All this did was make me hungry, Nintendo.

Image Credit: Nintendo


Routines are your bread and butter: They’re what you’re going to want to assemble and use every day to stay fit and challenge yourself. My Routines lets you string together exercises of any type (yoga, strength training, aerobics, dance, and balance) to reach calorie or time goals, and you can make up to three different sets in case you get bored. Wii Fit Routines categorizes exercises by their benefits, so you can choose whether to focus on lifestyle or health, for example.

Lastly, the Personal Trainer puts together workouts for you and shows you their snack food equivalent: Vanilla soft-serve is equal to 190 calories of hardcore butt-busting, apparently.

Fit Meters

Fit Meters are extra accessories that are basically glorified step counters. They can measure other things, like altitude changes (not that most people are going to use that), but they’ll record any calories burned when you’re not playing Wii Fit U so that you can transfer that data into the game later and get credit for it. The really cool part: They display a Tamagotchi-like portrait of your Mii.