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Wreck-It Ralph 2 takes its love of gaming from the arcade to the internet

Wreck-it Ralph

Wreck-It Ralph.

Image Credit: Disney

Ralph is gonna wreck the internet.

During a livestream on Facebook today, Disney announced that it is working on Wreck-It Ralph 2, a sequel to the hit animated film from 2012. Wreck-It Ralph took place inside a video game world and featured classic characters like Pac-Man, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Q-bert. The sequel will come out on March 9, 2018.

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It will see Ralph leaving the arcade setting of the first movie and enter the internet. The original film focused on retro games, but this change could introduce more modern works.

Disney’s animated films have been huge hits lately. The first Wreck-It Ralph made $471,222,889 worldwide, while 2013’s Frozen was one of the biggest hits of all time with a worldwide gross of $1,276,480,335. Earlier this year, the company had another huge success with Zootopia, which made $1,016,556,108 worldwide.

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Disney’s feature animation department doesn’t usually make a lot of sequels, so this announcement says something about the company’s faith in the project. Ironically, it comes at a time when Disney is actually getting out of the game development business, as it focuses instead on licensing its properties. Disney still makes games for mobile based on its films, like the recent Finding Dory: Just Keep Swimming.

The original Wreck-It Ralph also got its own mobile game. Disney also made actual arcade cabinets for Fix-It Felix Jr., the game that Ralph is the villain for in the movie. It gave them away as part of a contest.

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