Microsoft doesn’t care what device you use to run its second-screen SmartGlass app, as long as you connect an Xbox One to the first screen.

The company released its Xbox One SmartGlass app today to enable a two-screen experience with its next-gen console. The app is available to download now on Windows Phone and Android. The iOS version is due out soon as well.

The new SmartGlass enables Xbox One owners to use their smartphones or tablets to control the new system. SmartGlass can turn into a remote for media programs like Netflix and Xbox Music, and players can use it to shop for games and communicate with friends.

Game developers are using SmartGlass to implement extra features into their releases. Battlefield 4 studio DICE, for example, uses the app to stream a live map of multiplayer matches to connected devices.

The Xbox One debuts this Friday for $500. Even though the console isn’t out yet, you can still start to customize it using SmartGlass. Players with the app can start friending and following more than 100 people. They can also use it to set up their dashboard by pinning the apps they plan to use the most.

Microsoft also has SmartGlass for Xbox 360, but that is separate from this new app. Xbox One SmartGlass cannot control and Xbox 360, and the original SmartGlass cannot control an Xbox One.

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