50 Games in 2012 – #17 Homefront (PS3) (Completed May 16th)

There's usually something wrong when your making a game purchase and the retail clerk is telling you not to buy the game. That was my experience when buying Homefront. Homefront got a lot of love and hate upon it's release with expectations riding high on it being the next great shooter with all the advertising it had placed. Although the consensus turned out to be muddled one feature stood out in most reviews and that was a positive response to the games story. I decided to go against this clerks judgment of the game and give Homefront a chance in hopes of finding something interesting buried within.

Upon finishing my tim with Homefront it can easily be considered the most mixed bag experience I've had all year. On one hand this shooter actually held a story that I was interested in. Although I'm not American it was definitely cool if not creepy seeing a future North America being invaded from North Korean attacks. The game gave me a reason to shoot my gun where most don't. I embodied the missions the game gave to me because they seemed plausible and felt like I was making progress towards our resistance. I felt a certain gratification throughout Homefront from my actions and came out with the consensus that this is how video games need to progress story.

With a great story in it's holster Homefront falls short in most other areas unfortunately. This game is VERY glitchy. I rarely have freezing issues but I had to restart missions several times because the game either froze or I got caught in the environment. Sure this helped extend the short story campaign (har har) but not in any way shape or form that I wanted it to. The game is also not all that easy on the eyes either with serviceable graphics that look dated. This was unfortunate as the games world was held back with drab environments and less believable characters.

Although Homefront weaves a great story there are multiple issues with the game that sour the overall experience. Multiplayer is serviceable and the graphics work but overall this game is not a must play. I do recommend it though because for anyone who enjoys shooting things and a good story there is a fun game here to unveil just as long as your ready to be frustrated.

Game Summary: Date Finished: 5/16 | Homefront {PS3}

Pros: Well thought out story that engrosses you a long with a campaign that rewards with progression.

Cons: Bugs and freezing occured regularly. Game was also quite short.

Conclusion: Homefront was a fun experience. Although the game mechanics let me down the story intrigued to make it worthwhile.


{Previous Entry: #16 http://bitmob.com/articles/50-games-in-2012-16-ratchet-clank-future-a-crack-in-time}