50 Games in 2012 – #18 Mass Effect 2 [PS3] (Completed May 25th)

Once upon a time I played Mass Effect on the 360. My save file went somewhere into oblivion and I never had the ambition to push through Mass Effect 2 because of it. When Mass Effect 3 was released I faced the dilemma of continuing from some odd point in my 360 Mass Effect 2 save or starting fresh on the PS3? With Playstation Trophies on the line I chose to start over and thank Shuhei Yoshida I did.

The Mass Effect series is a massive sprawling epic of an adventure that makes you care about the decisions your Shepherd makes. I was bummed at the prospect of not actually using my Mass Effect 1 save file but I recreated most of my past experiences and set off in Mass Effect 2. To put it bluntly I was extremely surprised with how much I loved this game. Going against everything I stand for in mission setup Mass Effect 2 is very much one large “fetch quest” in gathering the team for the assault on the collectors. For some reason though I absolutely loved the games story and a large part of that has to do with how well each characters plot is developed and how Bioware makes you care for most of your crew by the end of the game.

Great Characters aren't the only thing to gawk at in Mass Effect 2. The game overall looks stunning and adds levels to how amazing the universe Bioware created is. Worlds offer new locales constantly and new enemies are often not to far behind. Everything is a step up from the original Mass Effect and that brought this game to another level above it's predecessor.

It was hard choosing a class setup for my character but I went with Vanguard and mixed a good portion of rushing opponents with a levy of biotic powers. If I ever got bored I always had my gun in my holster which made the 20+ hours of Mass Effect 2 rarely boring. Combat is also varied by the amounts of troops you face off against and the two squad mates that tag a long with you on a specific mission. Over time I started settling into specific squad members (never left Garrus behind) but the choice of allies is another great aspect of combat.

Over the expansive story of Mass Effect 2 your beliefs will change of the people around you and your relationships with your squad mates will either prosper or sour. It was funny for me that I cared so much about keeping my squad mates alive that I spent extra hours collecting resources and making bonds with members of the N7. It wasn't required nor was it 100% necessary yet I felt compelled to make sure everything was going to be alright on our suicide mission. Entering that final mission was nerve wracking yet extremely rewarding. Feeling my teams lives balance on the decisions I made compelled me to right my wrongs for my butchering in Heavy Rain. Luckily I made it out unscathed and came away overwhelmingly pumped to play Mass Effect 3.

Game Summary: Date Finished: 5/25 | Mass Effect 2 (PS3)

Pros: Fantastic characters and story. Top class gameplay to boot.

Cons: Technical errors occur at points.

Conclusion: Mass Effect 2 delivers and exceeds it predecessor with a realized world with great core characters and fantastic gameplay.


{Previous Entry #17: http://bitmob.com/articles/50-games-in-2012-17-homefront-ps3}