50 Games in 2012 – #19 Mass Effect 3 [PS3] (Completed May 31st)

Having finally completed Mass Effect 2 I was ready to take on the final chapter of the Mass Effect triology. Months after it's release I got around to replaying the 2nd title in anticipation of playing both games back to back. Mass Effect 2 did the trick and got me set and extremely excited to play Mass Effect 3 and after completion I almost immediately jumped right in.

The tables are set in Mass Effect 3, you know the worlds going to hell and like any epic it's the conclusion of what you've been building too all along. There's no denying starting this game off it was immediately clear how Mass Effect had taken another quantic leap in it's ability to awe visually. Animations and backdrop are gorgeous as earth fends off it's first attacks with the reapers. As Shepherd you are back with the Alliance and off duty in the coming months of the invasion making evidently clear the fallout after the Collector suicide mission. As you start the game your tasked with figuring out what exactly Cerberus is up too in loo of the chaos and also uniting the races of the galaxy to fight the coming invasion. No small task.

Combat in Mass Effect 3 runs beautifully and is just another step up from it's predecessor with cooler attacks and more fluid animations. Gameplay is just as fun as you do much of what you've known to be Mass Effect combat as you combine your abilities to manipulate the enemy. In many cases the game has a lot going on during fights and I had instances of the game chugging but it never deterred on a large scale from the experience and at points felt understandable in the shadow of how big of scale some of these scenes were.

Where Mass Effect 2 griped me with it's story I was left wanting from the ending of the trilogy. I had no qualms with the games actual ending as many people had but the conclusion to the trilogy felt emotionally underwhelming. There were key moments that I won't spoil within the game that were gut wrenching and meaningful because of the man hours with some characters but on a whole these were short periods in what was a 20+ hour game.

The inclusion of multiplayer was something I was cautious of upon trying but the way it is intertwined within the games story made it a worthwhile experience. Not only is the multiplayer a fun mode to play with friends it also benefits in your war effort for the end game goal. Although the war efforts seemed to have less of an actual effect than I wished the product of what it represented added another nice dimension and extra playing hours to an already stacked game.

Mass Effect 3 was a game I really enjoyed but one that suffered from a conclusion. Like many great epics it is hard to close a large book end. Mass Effect 3 still largely shines with improved combat, overall sheen and an overall good story but doesn't match it's predecessor that not only did all this but drew emotional ties as well. Although it may be shadowed by Mass Effect 2 in parts Mass Effect 3 is still an extremely amazing experience that deserves it's recognition as another great Bioware title.

Game Summary:

Date Finished: 5/31 | Mass Effect 3 (PS3)

Pros: Unique decisions, stunning visuals, fun multiplayer and great gameplay are all highlights.

Cons: Framerate and graphical glitches occur in busy areas of the game. Ending of the trilogy lacks at points in story.

Conclusion: Mass Effect 3 is in many ways the pinnacle of the series. Seeing your decisions come to fruition is amazing yet the overall experience falls short of it's predecessor.


{Previous Entry #18: http://bitmob.com/articles/50-games-in-2012-18-mass-effect-2}