50 Games in 2012 – #20 Trine 2 [PSN] (Completed June 1st)

My time with Trine 2 and Playstation Plus go hand in hand. I sat on the fence a long time about Plus memberships ever since they were announced and was very much against the idea. Seeing free games that I wanted be a part of the program intrigued me and Trine 2 was my breaking point. Being $15 on the Playstation network I wanted to play Trine 2 but never committed to picking the game up due to my backload of titles. Finally seeing it on Playstation Plus made me sign up for the program and in loo of this also download Trine 2.


Trines world is charming and the art style is largely what makes this game stand out. As a classic 2D style adventure game Trine doesn't offer a lot of originality in it's basis but makes up for that in it's character, art style and puzzling mechanics. Being able to control 3 different characters whenever you please also leads to a large quantity of ways to assess and accomplish game situations which also proved to be quite intriguing. These are all strong suits that Trine 2 has going for it a long with a fun story narrated by a man with quintessential british accent.

Besides my qualms with my game interaction the gameplay that Trine 2 has in store is also quite fun. As I referenced above the ability to interchange between 3 characters becomes extremely helpful as you manoeuvre puzzles and enemies trying to concoct a way through a section of the game. Enemies are largely run of the mill for the area of the game but they offer different types for different sections to keep repetition low. As a puzzler Trine 2 excels in making great opportunities to use a bit of brain power to figure out a vast base of scenarios which range from moving items to defeating enemies and creating paths for your characters.


All of this leads to a well rounded downloadable title that has a lot to offer but unfortunately for myself it also lead to lack of interest as the game continued. Playing Trine 2 proved to be fun but more often then not as the game progressed I grew less interested in the actual gameplay and more interested in the games gold trophies. It's sad to say as in most cases I almost always put gameplay first but Trine 2 lost my interest at many points and it's all gold trophy set was one of the few dangling carrots that kept me moving onward with the game.

It's tough to rag on a well built game simply because of lack of interest but that was where I was left with Trine 2. Through my experience I enjoyed the game at large points but found myself often disinterested by the story and more interested with completing fun puzzles and unlocking the games trophies. Putting that aside Trine 2 still delivers a fun adventure game that is worth your time if your in the mood for a fun downloadable title.

Game Summary:

Date Finished: 6/1 | Trine 2 (PSN)

Pros: Whimsical atmosphere mixed with beautiful graphics supplemented by solid puzzling.

Cons: Interest for both the story and gameplay waned father into the game.

Conclusion: Trine 2 offers a great adventure minus a few stumbling points


{Previous Entry #19: http://bitmob.com/articles/50-games-in-2012-19-mass-effect-3-ps3}