My avatar is a mass murderer.



In real life I am a polite, easy-going guy who believes in chivalry and the simple pleasures of giving without expecting anything in return.  I obey traffic laws, and bite my tongue when I see public displays of stupidity at my local Walmart.  But beneath my strikingly handsome exterior, beats the heart of a monster.

When Xbox unveiled their gamer avatars, I was like everyone else who simply shook their heads and rolled their eyes……but deep inside me something stirred.  The crystal in my forehead throbbed, and I suddenly felt as though something terrible was about to happen.  

After a while, I forgot about that terrible laughter and thoughts of the three brothers left my head.  The avatar was just another failed attempt to merge networking sites with Xbox Live and squeeze a few dollars here and there from those people who have to buy clothes for their fake selves.  Everything was back to normal, until A Kingdom for Keflings came out.

I was intrigued by the idea that I could play as my avatar in what was essentially a dumbed down mixture of the sims and sim city, but I was wrong.  I watched in horror as my Avatar ordered around tiny citizens, kicking them when they did not comply with his wishes.  It was a startling look into the future of my xbox live experience, and I found a part of me deep inside, rejoicing.

From that point on I was driven to be evil.  I drove on the sidewalks in Grand Theft Auto, I killed every guard and citizen in Oblivion, watching in glee as the arrows buried themselves deep in their faces.  The Xbox Live Avatar took on a life of his own, a life of evil and sadistic behavior.  

My avatar had become a mass murderer, and I loved it.

When given the choice in a game whether to kill them, or wait for the patrol to pass….I did not hesitate to murder.  True, these are not all games which feature the avatar as a character model….but I found that whenever I play xbox, my avatar compels me to be evil.  I am that guy who teabags you in halo, I am the grenade spammer, I am the team killing, resource stealing, respawn camping monster who haunts your dreams.

So my question is this bitmobbers; who are you when you play video games?